تتقدم أسرة أكاديمية بابل للجميع بأسمى آيات التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك. تقبل الله منكم صاح الأعمال

Warmest wishes from Babylon Academy Team. May this Ramadan bring you peace, happiness and prosperity

Below is a list of all videos for the school ceremony in February 2016. Click to view any of them;

1- Piano Performance

2- Quran Reciting

3- Opening Speech : by the Head Teacher

4- Peom (My School) by Mohamed Zitouni - Level 4

5- Nasheed ( Hasbi Rabbi) by Sabah Al-Zubaidi, Suhana Khan from Level 2A and Amel Al-Ahmed from Level 4

6- Nasheed (We love Mohammed) by a group from Level 1

7- Nasheed (Rij Rij Bari) by  Sabah Al-Zubaidi from Level 2A

8- Outstanding Awards

9- Group Performance : by a group from Reception Level

10- Nasheed (Number One) : by Hamza Hamza from Level 2A, Sarah Hamza and Basma Ben Laadar from Level 4

11- Nasheed (My Prayer is My Life) : by Sabah Al-Zubaidi, Leanne Hadbai and Deema Mahmood from Level 2A and nawar hadbai from Level 3

12- Champions Awarding

13- Participants Awarding

14- The Clown Performance - Part One

15- The Clown Performance - Part Two



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