تتقدم أسرة أكاديمية بابل للجميع بأسمى آيات التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك. تقبل الله منكم صاح الأعمال

Warmest wishes from Babylon Academy Team. May this Ramadan bring you peace, happiness and prosperity

GCSE, AS and A-Level exams preparation classes are managed by dedicated qualified teachers with years of experience in preparing students to undertake such exams. Our curricula is built based on Edexcel syllabus and specifications.

GCSE Course Key Subject Aims

To enable students to develop:

  • an understanding of Arabic in a variety of contexts
  • a knowledge of Arabic vocabulary and structures
  • transferable language learning skills
  • the ability to communicate effectively in Arabic
  • awareness and understanding of countries and communities where Arabic is spoken.
  • understand and apply Arabic language grammar, as detailed in the specification.

To see Edexcel GCSE exam in Arabic specifications click HERE.

We are proud of the great achievement by our students last year as more than 90% of those who sat the GCSE exam achieved grades A & A*.

Our classes are on Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm from beginning of October till May and the fees is £300 including books and stationary.

To enroll for our classes please contact us:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: 0845 388 1223

Mobile: 07438 392 131

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