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All weekly homeworks for all levels

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We strongly believe in providing homework every week as it effectively enhances learning and build confidence.

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Date Subject Reception Foundation (RCF) Reception Advanced (RCA) Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four GCSE Level




Arabic Arabic Homework RCF Arabic Homework RCA Arabic Homework L1 Arabic Homework L2 Arabic Homework L3 Arabic Homework L4 Arabic Homework GCSE
Islamic Islamic Homework RCF Islamic Homework RCA Islamic Homework L1 Islamic Homework L2 Islamic Homework L3 Islamic Homework L4




Arabic Arabic Homework RCF Arabic Homework RCA Arabic Homework L1 Arabic Homework L2 Arabic Homework L3 Arabic Homework L4 Arabic Homework GCSE
Islamic Islamic Homework RCF Islamic Homework RCA Islamic Homework L1 Islamic Homework L2 Islamic Homework L3 Islamic Homework L4




Arabic Arabic Homework RCF Arabic Homework RCA Arabic Homework L1 Arabic Homework L2 Arabic Homework L3 Arabic Homework L4 Arabic Homework GCSE
Islamic Islamic Homework RCF Islamic Homework RCA Islamic Homework L1 Islamic Homework L2 Islamic Homework L3 Islamic Homework L4
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