تتقدم أسرة أكاديمية بابل للجميع بأسمى آيات التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة قرب حلول عيد الفطر المبارك. تقبل الله منكم صاح الأعمال

Warmest wishes from Babylon Academy Team. May this Eid bring you happiness, prosperity, happiness and prosperity

This course is for those who have built good level of Arabic grammar and reasonable skills of speaking and who are willing to take thie knowledge further for high level like going to do a degree in Arabic language. This course lasts for 8 weeks based on one session of 3 hours a week on Sundays 10.30am - 1.30pm at Brentside High School, Greenford Avenue, Hanwell, LONDON W7 1JJ. The date to be set later depending on the enrolled learners.

The curriculum book for this course is designed to teach Arabic to non-Arabic speaking student. and based on the author's experience in teaching the language to foreign adults level3 4students in different foreign schools. This course focuses on grammar and speaking at high level. As grammar is considered a separate and secondary element that isn't given much importance especially that it is integrated into the teaching-learning process. What is important is getting to know the correct order in a sentence and understanding its true meaning. That's why grammatical rules are briefly introduced in preparation for this book„ which will complete the first and second parts of this curriculum. This course is designed to encourage students to integrate all cores of the language together through texts about different subject in daily life. Each text focuses on a specific grammatical subject in details and extends vocabulary to compose passages about different selected subjects. Also answering questions constructively about texts to practised continuously to enhance speaking skills. The course costs £180 plus £25 for books. (if they have not already purchased for Advanced level as the same book is used for both courses).

If you are interested in joining this course, please fill in the Enrollment Form by clicking HERE and email the completed form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to put you on the waiting list for your selected course and to be contacted later when we have a specific number of learner enrolled for it. Alternatively, you can contact us to arrange for a visit to our school at the address above on Sundays from 10am - 2pm.

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