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.نبشركم بإفتتاح التسجيل المبكر للعام الدراسي الجديد 2025/2024 للتفاصيل إضغطوا هنا

Arabic Language Exams for Levels 3 and 4

Exam Dates
Sunday, 23 June 2024 10:00 AM
Babylon Academy/Brentside High School - Brentside High School, Greenford Avenue, Hanwell, London W7 1JJ, UK
074 3839 2131
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Arabic Language Oral and Written Exams are compulsary for levels 3 and Pre-GCSE.

They consist of diffeent types of questions that mostly look similar to the tasks carried out through their curriculumn books depending on their level.

The main aim of these exams is to assess the level of understanding  of the subjects they have been taught through the whole educational year.

They along with the Oral Exam make the total score for each students achievement.


Please note that For Levels One and Two, Arabic Oral Exams will be conducted as a one-one assessment by an independent examiner on 1st June 2025.

For the other levels the Oral Exams will be conducted by an independent examiner straight after finishing their Reading & Writing Exams.

For details about the Arabic Oral Exams, please CLICK HERE ...


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