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Arabic Language Exams for Levels 1 & 2

Exam Dates
Sunday, 09 June 2024
Babylon Academy
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Arabic Language Oral & Written Exams for Levels One & Two will be conducted on 1st June 2025.

School times shouldn't be affected during the examination day.

Following are details about conduction procedure and tasks included.

Arabic Oral Exams consists of 3 tasks:

1- Students are required to read one of the two randomly picked papers which contains 10 words from which they had learned.

2- They will be asked to use all short and long vowels with one of their chosen letter from the learned alphabets.

3- They are required to recognize four colours from a displayed poster.


Arabic Written Exam comprises several questions covering the taught subjects throughout the educational year.

It is receommended parents and students see samples of the Written Part of the Previous Exam Papers, CLICK HERE ...


Level 3, 4, 5 & 6 Arabic Oral Exams:

They are conducted straight after they finish their Written Exams by an independent examiner on 1st June 2025.

For details about the Arabic Oral Exams, please CLICK HERE ...


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