التسجيل مستمر عبر الأنترنت في كل الأوقات وفي موقع المدرسة أيام الأحد من الساعة 10 صباحاً حتى 2 بعد الظهر. إتصلوا بنا

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For level four we utilize “My Book 4-Textbook" along with "My Book 4-Grammar 1 book” of my book series which has been designed for 8-9 years old.

My Book 4 - Textbook :

This Text book is A4 size with 210 pages and covers :

  • Different topics in students life
  • Introducing narrative and conversation text, with progressively more complex structure
  • Reading and recognising more words and formulating simple short sentences
  • Reading and responding by drawing lines, circles, squares or matching and writing some tasks
  • Listening and responding to CD-based exercises
  • Practising writing the taught words and sentences

My Book 4 - Grammar 1 Book:

This Grammar Book is A4 size with 87 pages and covers :

  • Introduces the elementary grammar topics that support the text book 4
  • Presents each topic with simple definitions along with simple teaching approaches
  • Uses clipart, colour and other teaching aids to make grammar easy and fun to learn
  • Utilises the topics and vocabulary of Kitabi 4 to mutually enhance teaching in both books
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