Early Enrolment is Open Now for the New Educational Year 2024/2025 For details, click HERE ....

.نبشركم بإفتتاح التسجيل المبكر للعام الدراسي الجديد 2025/2024 للتفاصيل إضغطوا هنا

Early Enrollment for Year 2024/2025

Enrol before September and save £20 per child.


التسجيل المبكر للعام الدراسي الجديد 2025/2024

بالتسجيل المبكر قبل سبتمبر (أيلول) يمكنكم توفير 20£ لكل طفل 


   New Year Enrolment   2024/2025    التسجيل للعام الدراسي الجديد


يسر أكاديمية بابل أن تعلن عن تحديد اليوم الرسمي للتسجيل للعام الدراسي الجديد 2025/2024  في 15 سبتمبر (أيلول)  2024 من الساعة 10 صباحاً حتى الساعة 2 بعد الظهر في العنوان المذكور أدناه

  لتنزيل النسخة العربية من إستمارة وضوابط التسجيل إضغط هنا

Babylon Academy is delighted to announce that the Open Enrollment Day for the New Educational Year 2024/2025 will be conducted on:
Sunday 15th September 2024, between 10am and 2pm.

To download the English version of the ENROLMENT FORM click HERE 

The enrolment will be conducted at:
Brentside High School
Greenford Avenue
London W7 1JJ

School Fees:
As a non-profit making community school our school fees are shown below for the whole year (September to June) including curriculum books and stationary per child.
First Child £460
Each additional Child £440

In special circumstances, the amount can be paid in 2 installments ONLY for families with more than one child, (£300 for each child and the rest has to be paid on the last term day in the month of December. This is to secure your child’s place for the following term). In such cases, there will be £30 extra on the top of the fees above.


We strongly advise all parents to enrol their children early between 2nd and 23rd of June, 2024 for two reasons;

1- To avoid queuing on the open enrollment day where it's usually busy.

2- To save money  as explained above.

You can also enrol online and make your payment directly into our bank account at:

Metro Bank
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Account Number: 17634976
Account Holder: Babylon Academy

In addition, you have the option to download, fill in the Enrollment Form and send it to us by email.

Unfortunately, no cheque payments are accepted anymore due to the errors and returns with associated failure fees. The only accepted payment methods would be BACS or CASH.

Our current students are required to be re-enroll to receive their curriculum books and stationary on the first day of achool 22 September 2019.
For any further details, please do not hesitate to preferably email us at any time to;

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Or alternatively call us on: 074 3839 2131


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